29 December 2015 Kat Selvocki

yogastrong derbystrong challenge: day 3


2015-12-29 11.24.27
Side Plank Crunches

Props: none

    1. Set up in forearm plank, and then roll onto the outer edge of your left foot and lift right arm toward the ceiling for side plank. Looking down at the floor will be the most stabilizing for your balance, and looking up at the ceiling will be the most challenging.
    2. Inhale and lift your right foot up and stretch your right arm alongside your right ear.
    3. Exhale and touch your right elbow and right knee in a crunch.
    4. Repeat 5-10 times, and then swap to the other side.

Alternative: Lower your bottom knee to the floor as you do this, or just lift your top leg and arm but skip the crunches.

Badass challenge: Look up at the ceiling rather than at the floor or off to the side, and yep, move sloooooooowly.

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Flat Mat Regionals is the best yoga “class” I’ve ever taken–I could feel changes in a matter of a few days. Your body needs this, dammit! – Alpha Ginger, Ringleader Roller Girls

NEW Flat Mat Minimum Skills

Looking for something to help your derby hips (and the rest of your body!)? Flat Mat Minimum Skills gives you a way to learn yoga and work on rocking your WFTDA minimum skills at the same time! It starts January 4, so you can have fun over the holidays and then crush your 2016 goals.

Flat Mat Regionals

Want your body to move better so that your muscles and joints don’t feel so abused? If you already know a little yoga, Flat Mat Regionals is your jam. With four weeks of yoga sequences designed specifically for roller derby, your grumpy knees and hips will be ready to roll again starting January 4.