Yoga for Roller Derby Resources

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Use Your Obliques

Okay, so you know that six-packs are bullshit, and you’ve started learning to use your deep abdominals. Awesome! And just like in roller derby, where you build on basic moves and grow as a skater, you do the same thing with yoga. You learn how to access one muscle, and then start working with it along with another. Or you learn how to do a basic pose, and then build on it in various ways.

I mean, you didn’t think your core was only one muscle, right?

External Obliques

Enter: your obliques. They’re the abdominal muscles located on the sides that allow you to rotate your torso and do side bends. They also are a part of the team that helps stabilize you for a lot of actions that you do on the track: think actions like juking, or other times when you’re shifting your weight side-to-side. Which, really, is quite a lot of the game!

When you combine the strength of your deeper abdominal muscles at the front of your pelvis, and your obliques at your sides, you’re starting to create a deep bench at your core. That translates to more stability as you move–and getting knocked down less means you stay in the game–as well as less low back pain. I know the saying is “no pain, no gain”, but I think we can all agree that low back pain isn’t helping you skate better.

Ready to use your obliques? Try this!


Moving Supine Twist

Lie on your back, and bring your thighs parallel to the floor. You can have your knees bent or legs extended; try it out with your knees bent first to make sure you’ve got the form down. Make sure that your legs are parallel to the floor and aren’t inching close to your torso!

Reach your arms out into a T-shape, with palms pressing down onto the floor.

Inhale fully. Hold your breath and draw your belly button in toward your spine. As you exhale, begin to lower your legs toward your right. They don’t need to come anywhere near the floor! Keep your hands and arms connected to the floor to the best of your ability–your left shoulder will probably lift up, and that’s a-okay!–and hold for a breath.


Inhale to lift back to center, hold your breath and draw your belly button toward your spine, and exhale to lower your legs to your left.


Repeat 3-5 times on each side–or maybe more! Form is key to feel the correct actions in this one, so stay focused on that rather than how close you can get your legs to the floor.

Three important things to watch:

  1. Be sure that your legs stay parallel to the floor! If you let them come closer to your torso, you won’t feel the action nearly as well.
  2. Watch what you’re doing with your head. If you’re trying to lower your legs too far, you might start using your head and neck to stabilize you, rather than your abs. You don’t want to end up with wacky neck issues while you’re trying to help your low back.
  3. If you’re working with legs extended, press out through the balls of your feet as you move. Get those sweet, strong derby legs involved in the process!

How are your obliques feeling now?


— Anatomical image by Stephanie Cost.

How to Strengthen Your Core

Six-packs are bullshit. That’s what I tell people in many of my core-focused classes, and I want the rest of you to hear it, too. The best way to strengthen your core probably doesn’t involve most of the motions that you’ve been taught to get rock hard abs.

When you overly strengthen rectus abdominis–the six-pack muscles–you’re not really helping your stability or your low back problems. What you are doing is:

  • preventing yourself from breathing fully, which is pretty important for a cardio-heavy sport like roller derby;
  • doing wacky things to your posture and possibly making your low back pain worse;
  • compressing your internal organs, so they might not do their jobs as well as they should; and
  • creating a muscle that limits your range of motion, the same way that your it feels like your hip flexors or hamstrings do!

Got it? Six-packs are bullshit. So what should you be doing instead of focusing on some ridiculous ideal that isn’t actually going to help your game? Try this!

Abs with a Block

You’ll need a yoga block, a thick book, or a rolled up towel. (To roll the towel, fold it in thirds lengthwise, and then roll up from one of the short ends. Secure it with a rubber band if you’d like.)

Lie on your back with the soles of your feet on the floor, place the block/book/towel in between your thighs, as close to your pelvis as you can get it. Seriously, don’t be afraid to get it right up in there against your pubic bone.

Bring your hands behind your head and interlace your fingers, like you’re getting ready to do a crunch. Don’t lift your head and hands off the floor yet, though! In fact, let your head rest in your hands so that your neck muscles are relaxed.

Flat Mat - Abs with a Block Prep

Inhale fully–without lifting your head and arms! Hold your breath and squeeze your block/towel. Press your mid and low back firmly agains the floor.

Exhale and lift both shoulder blades up off the floor. Pull your low belly–the spot right below your belly button–down.

Flat Mat: Abs with a Block

Inhale to lower halfway down, and repeat 5-10 times.

As you get stronger, you can work this with your knees bent and shins parallel to the floor. Make sure you can keep your lower back pressed against the floor even if you’re lifting your legs!

Flat Mat: Abs with a Block Right Angle

Or you might get a little more ambitious and do this with legs straight. Reach the balls of your feet toward the ceiling!

Flat Mat: Abs with a Block Legs Up

Note: if you’ve got a grouchy low back, stick to doing this with your feet on the floor. You could also try pressing your feet against a wall.

Flat Mat: Abs with a Block at Wall

No matter which one you choose, the steps are:

  1. Inhale.
  2. Hold your breath and: squeeze your block/book/towel, press lower back toward floor.
  3. Exhale and lift shoulder blades off the floor (if you can), pull low belly down.

As you start using your deep abdominals and inner thighs, you’ll find that your stability on the track will improve!

Perfect Your Plank

Every year at RollerCon, plank pops up in at least half of the classes I teach–and the rest are focused on stretching. If you’re doing plank correctly (read: safely), it’s a seriously awesome way to build strength throughout your whole body. And when you’re starting, even holding it for a couple of breaths is plenty to get you on the right track. And if plank feels pretty familiar, you might find that these tips make it harder again, like some of my RollerCon students did.

Why Do Plank?

If done properly, plank strengthens pretty much everything in your body. Seriously, everything: hands, wrists, arms, shoulders, chest, back, abs, butt, legs. Plank means business.

When you set up your shoulders well in plank, it’ll prepare you for bracing on the track. Also, being able to hold plank with good form–and continue breathing in it–also means that you’re learning how to keep a stable core, which is critical for everything you do while skating.

Last but not least, a solid plank is going to help you banish some of that low back pain. Because who needs that?

How to Set Up Your Plank When You’re Getting Started

When you first learned plank, you were probably told that you need to keep your body in one long line from head to heels in order to get the benefits of the shape. The problem is, if your abdominal muscles aren’t ready to support this, you’re going to end up in poor form for your shoulders and probably with a grumpy low back. And if that’s happening, you aren’t actually going to build good patterns and strength that will help your game!

An alternative to better support your lower back is to keep your hips up at shoulder height.  This will help set you up to actually strengthen your shoulders and abs in a way that will help your game, and if you’re someone who gets low back pain in plank, you’ll probably feel that start to disappear.

Flat Mat Yoga demonstrates variations on plank to build your shoulder and core strength for roller derby.

Bonus: you can do this on your knees down, too! The lift of the butt will be a little less noticeable.

Flat Mat Yoga demonstrates variations on plank to build your shoulder and core strength for roller derby.


How to Set Up Your Plank When You’re Feeling Stronger

Once you’re feeling super solid and strong in the variation shown above, this way will help you get even more benefit from your plank.

Lie down on the floor on your belly. Position your feet so that the tips of your toes (rather than your toenails or the soles of your feet) rest on the floor behind you. Bring your hands down next to your low ribs, so that your elbows are almost-but-not-quite stacked above your wrists.

Draw your belly button toward your spine. Press into your hands to push yourself up to plank on your knees, with the tips of your toes still on the floor.

Flat Mat Yoga demonstrates variations on plank to build your shoulder and core strength for roller derby.

From there, you can stay on your knees, or you can straighten your legs. As you straighten your legs, your toes will tuck and you’ll set yourself up for a great foot position, with your heels stacked above the balls of your feet.

Flat Mat Yoga demonstrates variations on plank to build your shoulder and core strength for roller derby.

You can also see in the two images above that the position of my spine doesn’t change when I lift my knees. If yours does, there is no shame in working plank on your knees until you build up strength. It’s better than the alternative of screwing up your low back!

What to Watch For

  • The same way you wouldn’t stand only on the heels of your feet (how weird would that feel?), don’t just drop your weight into the heels of your hands. Use all ten fingers–especially your index fingers and thumbs and the space between them–and the entirety of your palms. Similarly, in forearm plank, don’t let the weight rest only in your elbows–use your hands as well!
  • Stack your shoulders above your wrist creases as best you can. This sets you up with your hands shoulder-distance apart, and you won’t have your hands too far forward (harder on your shoulders) or too far back (increases strain on your wrists).
  • Press back through your heels as if you were pushing into a wall. In fact, try setting up with your feet against a wall to really feel that action.
  • Lift your inner thighs away from the floor.
  • Push the floor away from you so that your shoulder blades spread away from each other and the middle of your upper back lifts toward the ceiling. If your shoulder blades are squeezing toward each other, you’ll be much less stable. This form will help create stability for bracing!
  • Look at the floor several inches in front of your hands, not at the wall front of you, not down at your hands, not back at your feet.

Plank Alternatives

  • Keep your knees on the floor.
  • Do plank on your forearms rather than your hands. Forearms should be shoulder distance apart (hug your upper arms with opposite hands to find that distance), and hands can either be flat on the floor or with fingers interlaced. The latter will be a little easier on your shoulders. If you’re doing forearm plank with palms on the floor, try squeezing a yoga block in between your elbows for better shoulder activation!
  • Do plank on your forearms with your knees down, too.
  • Try plank at the wall, as I demonstrate in this old-school Flat Mat video:

  • Pick up one foot and the opposite hand while holding plank–and keep your hips level as you do that!Flat Mat Yoga demonstrates variations on plank to build your shoulder and core strength for roller derby.
  • And of course, you can practice bird-dog to build toward the plank in the above photo!

Flat Mat Yoga demonstrates variations on plank to build your shoulder and core strength for roller derby.

Your New Favorite Hip Stretch

Between the beta test of Flat Mat Regionals and class planning for RollerCon, things have been busy here in Flat Mat land. And even though I teach yoga–and a slower flow at that!–when things get crazy, sometimes it can be hard to slow down and practice. I’ve been sneaking in short practices wherever I can, enough to pause for a little bit and get grounded again.

With that in mind, I want to introduce you to one of my current favorite poses: twisted supine pigeon. I shared this during the sequences for Week 2 of Flat Mat Regionals, and I want the rest of you to experience the magic of this hip stretch, too! It’s great because it’s easily incorporated into a quick yoga practice, as you take supine pigeon and then roll onto your side.

More importantly, it’s also fantastic as a derby stretch, because it hits tensor fascia latae (TFL), one of the outer hip muscles that gets a lot of use during plow stops and crossovers. I often stay longer while I’m stretching the left side–after years of skating left, that’s the one that has a lot less mobility for me! Feel free to do the same on your tighter side; though we want to stretch fairly evenly, we’re looking for balance in the body in the long run.


  • This is a great stretch for tensor fascia latae (TFL), which is the muscle toward the front your outer hip that connects to your iliotibial tract (IT band). With all those plow stops, this muscle needs some serious TLC. (I hear it’s a fan of Crazy Sexy Cool.)

What to watch for:

  • Keep the supine pigeon position of your legs as best as possible while rolling onto your side. It’ll help you set things up more easily.
  • Hold your ankle rather than opening both arms into the twist. As you start moving your knee forward (if you choose to do that), you can gently pull on it to deepen the stretch.
  • Depending on your body, you might feel this in different places: piriformis (as in supine pigeon); side of your waist; TFL; or the entire length of your IT band.

When to practice this pose:

  • As part of your warm-up stretches – move from supine pigeon into this one
  • Post-practice or after a bout
  • Anytime, really! This pose doesn’t require any warming up

How to Stand on Your Own Two Feet

I know, I know: you’ve been standing for 20 or 30 years or more. You probably don’t need any tips, right? Then again, how many times have you commented about pain in your ankles, knees, or hips? How we use our feet can affect all of those joints, and since they’re are already taking a beating when you skate, anything you can do to give them a break is a good idea.

On Facebook, I shared a blog post that my friend Sophie wrote about how to position your weight in your feet to make your knees happier. If you haven’t had a chance to take a look, it’s worth a few minutes of your time. One of the main ideas is that most of us stand with our weight positioned more toward our toes, when in reality, our weight should be shifted back over our heels in order to stack our joints (read: keep them happy and safe).

Now, let’s add to that the fact that when we skate in one direction all the time, we’re balancing on our outer left foot and inner right arch for more than a few hours a week, so we’re compounding that uneven distribution of our weight.

It’s suddenly starting to seem less weird to talk about how to stand, isn’t it?

In the video below, I’ll give you a live view of some of what Sophie described, plus steps for how to better use your feet and shift your weight to where it should be.

Time to kick off your skates or shoes and practice standing again!

A Little Love for Your Psoas

When was the last time you stretched or released your psoas? Hint: if it wasn’t during this past week, you probably aren’t paying enough attention to it. (And if you’re not familiar with where your psoas is and what it does, don’t worry–you’re about to find out.) Anatomical image of psoas major - art by Stephanie Cost

A quick nerdy anatomy lesson: your psoas originates along the sides of the lower part of your spine, and ends at the top of your thigh bones. This means that these guys are muscles that affect your low back and your hips, both pretty important body parts for skaters. Your psoas is one of your primary hip flexors–in other words, one of the muscles you use to lift your leg closer to your chest, like when you’re walking up stairs. It helps with other movements, too, but I want to focus on this one for now.

Why? Because most of us spend a lot of time contracting the psoas, as we’re either sitting for 40+ hours a week, or spending 6+ hours a week in derby stance. (Or both!) Which means that because our muscles work in opposing pairs (as one shortens, another one lengthens), the psoas is staying contracted while the glutes (the biggest butt muscles) and backs of thighs lengthen. Since we’re looking to keep things in balance, it only makes sense to pay attention to the muscles that are continually being shortened, right?

With that in mind, I want to introduce you to my absolute favorite release for the psoas. I’ve only had one student who didn’t feel the immediate benefit of this, and that was because he’s someone who already focuses on lengthening his psoas daily!


  • There’s a good chance that your psoas could use a little release/lengthening with all of the time you spend in derby stance.
  • Keeping the psoas flexible can help relieve and prevent low back pain.
  • Because deeper hip openers like pigeon pose require openness at the hip flexors to do them safely.

What to watch for:

  • Be sure that the block (or book) is under the back of your pelvis! The top edge of your pelvis should line up with the top edge of the block. You want bone to the the main resting on the block, not your low back or your butt.
  • The foot of the extended leg does not move when you try to slide your heel away from the floor.

When to practice this pose:

  • After skating.
  • Anytime, really! If your psoas is shortened from being contracted frequently (due to sitting, squatting), this will help release and lengthen it, and the pose doesn’t require warming up.


  • If you’ve got low back issues and resting the back of your pelvis on a block will cause pain there, try doing this with your back on the floor. I’ve found that I need to focus a little more to activate the psoas in that position, but it is possible. (You could also try working with your foot a few inches off the floor in this case, but make sure it’s still firmly planted on the wall.)

— Anatomical image by Stephanie Cost.

The Great Pigeon Pose Debate

When I started talking to skaters about this yoga for roller derby idea, I was overwhelmed by the number of positive responses I got. People told me about their fears about not being flexible enough. They mentioned that they used to practice, but yoga classes were too expensive on top of league dues and derby gear. And from people who already practiced yoga or taught it to their leagues, they winced every time they told me about watching skaters drop down into pigeon pose.

My response: ouch.

There’s a lot of debate in the yoga world about pigeon pose and whether or not it’s safe. Pigeon can feel awesome because it helps stretch the glutes. And you do want to give your booty a stretch after all that skating! However, it can also be risky for the knees if you’re not set up properly, and it can be challenging to keep your pelvis in a stable position.

Unless I’ve spent most of a class warming students up for pigeon, I usually teach this reclined variation. It doesn’t require the same openness at the front of the thighs, and it also helps stabilize the back of the pelvis. Last but not least, if you’ve got grumpy knees, you can much more easily protect them if you work the pose on your back.


  • Your knees, ankles, and pelvis already take a beating from derby. This pose will focus the stretch on your derby butt without risking injury to other joints.

What to watch for:

  • Keep head, shoulders, and back of the pelvis on the ground. You want to keep from rounding your spine as much as possible.
  • Flex the crossed foot! You want it to be active, as if you were standing on it. That will protect your ankle and knee.
  • Take a glance down at your pelvis to make sure you’re not hiking up one hip.

When to practice this pose:

  • As part of your warm-up stretches
  • Post-practice or after a bout
  • Anytime, really! This pose doesn’t require any warming up.


  • Rather than drawing the legs in toward the chest, keep one foot planted on the floor as you cross the other ankle over that thigh.


Roller Derby and Yoga

Kat Selvocki doing reverse warrior

I started practicing yoga regularly after I quit playing roller derby.

I was an athlete. I am an athlete. And I approached yoga the same way. (Hell, sometimes I still do.) Trying to do all of the poses, the “right” way, all of the time meant that I got hurt. Going as far as I could into every pose, every time, also meant that any parts of my body that were uneven stayed that way–hips, I’m looking at you and the effects of several years of holding the line and crossing right leg over left for countless hours.

I want something different for you.

Yoga can be a really amazing addition to your practice schedule. But if you’re dropping into pigeon pose all the time, or stretching your hamstrings and never your quads, or talking about back pain but not getting specific about where it is and why, yoga isn’t going to help. And the last thing you want is for yoga and stretching to be the thing that keeps you from playing a bout!

I want to teach you how to start correcting the imbalances in your body. To learn how to modify poses so that they make sense for you and not a contortionist. To talk to you about alignment so that you know how to move through poses safely. I want your practice to feel good, and to enhance your ability to move on the track.

That’s why I teach yoga.

Sure, it’s pretty rad to be able to show off how I can balance on my hands–and I can teach you to do cool yoga tricks, too! Mainly, though, I want you to feel great in your body on and off the track.

I’ve got a few upcoming series planned for the blog, which will include videos, tips for poses, and some short sequences. And if you’ve got questions, ask! You’re probably not the only one, and I want this to be a training resource for you, in addition to the coaching I’m already offering.

Whatever you want to call it–yoga for roller derby, roller derby yoga, yoga derby–it’s time to get on the mat.

Photo by Hannah D Photography.