Hey there and welcome to Flat Mat Yoga!
I’m Kat Selvocki, and this is where I teach.
I teach roller derby skaters, rock climbers, runners, and anyone else who wants their yoga with less woo and more sass. You won’t hear chanting around here, or even the Sanskrit names for postures.
What you’ll get instead: Safe and inclusive space. A better understanding of how your body moves. Less pain and creakiness. Silliness and sassiness. A rad online community.
And of course, you’ll be even more badass.
Start by checking out at a few of my popular articles and videos.
- You’ll love this if you’ve got grumpy psoas muscles from roller derby/cross-training/life.
- If you’ve got an angry low back, you’ll definitely want to read this.
- This will be your new favorite thing if you have trouble falling asleep!
- If you beat yourself up a lot, you’ll find some love here.